The Pooblic Hub

Welcome to Pooblic, the oldest Discord public server for 9b9t. This website is very much work in progress, but it will eventually be home to several 9b9t-related services. The most immediate goal of this website is perhaps the browsable backup of Pooblic messages from 2016 all the way to October 2021, the date of the last available backup (Pooblic was terminated in November).

You may always find a working invite to the current Pooblic server at

Mommy, what's a Pooblic?

The "9bee9tee Pooblic Discord" (sometimes spelled Deescord) was created on September 12th, 2016, by FraazT0, as a server for his basemates. Roughly a week later, the server was repurposed and opened to the greater public, with the goal of creating a 9b9t hub for everyone to talk in, the one place where you could contact everyone from the server, even when they were offline. It succeeded, and by 2017 the vast majority of the server was using Pooblic. It could be argued that, through some very low points in 2017 and 2018, Pooblic was the life support that kept 9b9t alive. It later lost the title of biggest 9b9t discord, first to its ripoff, the "People's Republic of 9b9t", started in 2017, then gaining it back, only for it to be stolen again by the "newborn" (started in 2019) official server a few years later. Unfortunately, in November 2021, the server was terminated for violating Discord's anti-harassment policies. The server immediately opened back, but it lost most of its almost four thousand members. We are still in the process of building back our numbers.

I've heard people call Pooblic "the alternative to 9b9t Official", but both servers reject the label. We predate the official server by several years, and unlike them, our primary goal remains freedom of speech (within the boundaries of Discord ToS sadly), as we believe that freedom is what makes anarchy so special. Pooblic was originally created in a context where each server expressed the biases of certain groups, with messages and players inconvenient to the dominant group being removed, and we stand by it. If a safe space where mods protect you from any harm is what you're after, this may not be the place for you. But, if you want something akin to what 9b9t in-game chat used to be before spam rendered it unusable for half the playerbase, Pooblic is what you wanna join.

About the Archive

For now, you can download the browsable backup that relied on Discord for serving images here. It should still work, but virtually all image links will be broken. That being the case, I recommend lynx, a text-based web browser, for browsing the bigger pages. Firefox, Chrome and other modern browsers will probably struggle (putting it mildly) to open the bigger ones like pooblic.html.

I do have a backup copy of all the pictures included, but distributing them is a pretty complex issue. The plan is to someday set up a Discord-looking web interface to browse (and search) through the archive and reminisce, but a torrent may be made available, eventually. Main issue is that I am a moron and saved the backup as HTML (if I had gotten a JSON this would be up by now), and parsing HTML for use by other programs isn't the easiest thing.